Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists (2012)

The Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists: Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt took place in Sofia, Bulgaria on 22-25 September 2012. The Congress was organized by the Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology and New Bulgarian University.


Academic & Advisory Committee

Prof. Dr. Sergei Ignatov
Head of the Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology, Minister of Education, Youth and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria

Dr. Ian Shaw
Senior Lecturer, University of Liverpool

Dr. Eleni Vassilika
Director of the Egyptian Museum in Turin

Prof. Dr. Joachim-Friedrich Quack
Director of the Institute of Egyptology, Heidelberg University

Dr. Richard B. Parkinson
Curator, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, The British Museum


Table of content

(Teodor Lekov, Emil Buzov)

The process and outcome of XPRW in the Coffin Texts
(Anne Landborg)

Overworld and Underworld:
Placing the Book of Traversing Eternity in the World of Funerary Literature
(Cheresse Burke)

Gods, Knowledge and Power in Ancient Egyptian Tales:
Narratology and the story of The Doomed Prince
(Alys Cox)

Some remarks on the positioning of
Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figures in Third Intermediate and Late Period burials
(Carlo Rindi)

The Pontificate of Amun at Thebes in the Ptolemaic Period:
Prosopographical Analysis Based on the Demotic, Hieroglyphic and Greek Documentation
(Giorgia Cafici)

Some Remarks on the Book of Thoth:
concerning Seshat, Shai and the ‘invention’ of the Hermetic Agathos Daimon
(Ronaldo Guilherme Gurgel Pereira)

The altar of Djedkare’s funerary temple from south Saqqara
(Mohamed Megahed)

Some reflections on the cult of minor deities during the Old Kingdom:
evidences from textual and epigraphic sources
(Valeria Turriziani)

Cult on the Move The Transmission of Cultic Concepts in First Millennium BC Egypt
(Filip Coppens)

An Overview of the Servants of Khonsu during the Third Intermediate Period at Thebes
(Alba Mª Villar Gómez)

On the orientation of the magical bricks Tutankhamun’s Burial chamber
(Maria Rosa Guasch-Jané)

The Phenomenon of “Personal Religion” in the Ramesside Period,
from the “Poem” of Ramses II. through to the Prayers of Ramses III.
(Diana Liesegang)

Θεοί and ἱεροί: some remarks on animal cult
in Ancient Egypt according to Classical and Egyptian texts
(Angelo Colonna)

The false-door from Theban Tomb 52
(Audrey Dégremont)

Skin in ancient Egyptian belief: Sacred texts and rituals
(Alessandra Colazilli)

The Presence of the Harper’s Songs in the Private Tombs of the New Kingdom
(Yordan Chobanov)

“Shabtis” – Ancient Egyptian funerary figurines:
(Mladen Tomorad)

The Pharaoh as Horus Three dimensional falcon figures from mining sites,
and the religious context for the extraction of minerals in the Middle Kingdom
(Hannah Pethen)

Function and Context of Wooden Statues in the Old and Middle Kingdoms
(Anne-Christine Schnoor)

Memories of State: Royal Memorial Cults as Proponents
of Memory and State Legitimation in the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty
(Gabrielle Heffernan)

Encountering gods of the desert:
ancient Egyptians beyond the Nile Valley during the Old and Middle Kingdoms
(Maksim Lebedev)

Amon and the God’s Wife: the ritual activity at Karnak.
(Ilaria Davino)

The tomb of Bannentiu in the Oasis of Bahria. An interpretation
(Alice Springuel)

Solar Journey Images in Private Tombs: Material and Symbolic Configuration
(María Silvana Catania)