Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology (BIE) was established as a scientific research project to develop Egyptology in Bulgaria with the cooperation of the B.A., M.A. and PhD programs at the New Bulgarian University. The aims of the institute are to work in the fields of ancient egyptian language, culture, religion and texts. The institute works on different projects most ot them connected with the translation and interpretation of Ancient Egyptian texts as well as restoration and conservation of archeological sites in Egypt.
Prof. Sergei Ignatov, d.c.
PhD : “The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor in the Context of Ancient Egyptian History and Culture in the Age of the Middle Kingdom”,Saint-Petersburg, (1994)
Doct. of Hist. Science – “Morphology of Egypt in the Classical Period”, (2009)
Teaching and interests: Ancient Egyptian language and literature; Egypt in the time of the Middle Kingdom; The Battle of Kadesh and the history of the XIX dynasty; Ancient Egyptian art and religion.
Prof. Emil Buzov, PhD
PhD – “Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Literature III – II millenium BC” (2008)
Department of Mediterranean and Eastern Studies,
New Bulgarian University, 2005 –
Teaching and interests: Ancient Egyptian language, Ancient Egyptian history, Ancient Egyptian literature, Egyptian archeology.
Assistant Prof. Yordan Chobanov, PhD
PhD – “The Songs of the Harpist in the Context of the Egyptian Literary Tradition (II Millennium BC – Mid-I Millennium BC)” (2013)
Department of Mediterranean and Eastern Studies,
New Bulgarian University, 2024 –
Teaching and interests: Ancient Egyptian language, Ancient Egyptian literature,
Ancient Egyptian religious literature, Funerary rites and texts.