Submitting papers

  1. How to send the manuscript
  2. Main text and footnotes
  3. Bibliography
  4. Illustrations
  5. Example




  1. Please send all documents and picture files no later than 31 January 2013to:
As subject of the mail indicate: ”MANUSCRIPT”


Length and file names:

  1. Length of the paper should not exceed 10 pages  (including footnotes but excluding bibliography), written in English.
  2. Please use your name in the name of the files (without special characters) as follows: authortext.doc (for example: hudecztext.doc). Manuscripts shall beMicrosoft Word documents.
  3. Pictures: Do not include more than 5 pictures. Please name your picture files as follows: authorfig1.tiffauthorfig2.tiff.
  4. Please send in a separate file the captions (Fig. 1 Caption) of your figures or pictures: authorfig.doc (Microsoft Word).
  5. Do not forget to send an identification file containing your name, the official English name of your institution, address, email: authorident.doc (Microsoft Word).




  1. Periods of Egyptian history: written in full form, not abbreviated (New Kingdom instead of NK, Dynasty instead of Dyn, etc.)
  2. Please use Roman numerals for millennia and for millennia only. (Dynasties should be written with Arabic numerals as well, e.g. 17th Dynasty.)
  3. For transliteration, please use True Type „Transliteration” font.
  4. Main text: please use „Times New Roman” font.
  5. Font size: 12 points. Do not use capitals for whole words, use upper and lower case letters.
  6. Text must be 1,5-spaced and justified.
  7. Keep formatting to an absolute minimum.
  8. Meaning of Egyptian words should be given between ´…´ signs.
  9. Write expressions in a language other than the language of the article in italics.
  10. Notes should be given after punctutation marks (…did the same.1). If the note refers to only one word or phrase, it can follow the word or phrase directly.
  11. Emphasis in the text should be indicated by italics (not underlined), and only when absolutely necessary.
  12. Citing books and articles: last name of author date page number (Otto 1973 239).

Do not give titles for articles or titles for series in the footnotes, these should be given in the bibliography.

  1. In case of works in several volumes: abbreviated Vol. and number of volume, e.g.: Vol. 2 222.
  2. Repetitions: always indicate the full short reference (author date page number: Otto 1973 239), even if it appears in subsequent references. Write the last name of the author fully, even if quoting two books by the same author subsequently.
  3. Please be consistent with spelling, use of punctuation and abbreviations.
  4. Please use fullstops after initials in people’s names and make sure there are SPACES between them as well: J. J. Janssen. This applies to the Bibliography as well as the text.


Please do not do the followings:

  1. Please avoid underlining, use italics instead.
  2. Please do not type headings in capitals.
  3. Please do not supply embedded illustrations or tables (submit them as separate individual files).




  1. Abbreviations for series and periodicals: as given in LdÄ 7.
  2. Number of edition: indicated in superscript after the date of publication: 19862
  3. Name of author: L. Török
  4. In case of two authors, both names written, linked with a hyhen (–): G. Schreiber – Zs. Vasáros
  5. In case of three or more authors: L. Kákosy et al.
  6. Name of editor: U. Luft (ed.)
  7. Place of publication: indicated in the full title.
  8. Date of publication: indicated in the abbreviation.
  9. Publisher: not indicated.
  10. Title of series: given after the title, in brackets, abbreviated if given in LdÄ 7: (StudAeg 2).
  11. Title of periodicals: given after the title, without brackets, abbreviated if given in LdÄ 7: GM 22.
  12. Reference for figures and plates: use either Fig. 23 or Plate 21.
  13. Do not use the following abbreviations: id., ibid, loc. cit.
  14. World wide web

E. Feucht: Die Gräber des Nedjemger (TT 138) und des Hori (TT 259) 2006, Accessed on 30 November 2006.




  1. Please remember to get permission to publish any illustrations that are still in copyright, as we have no way of getting it for you.
  2. Scan photos and slides at 300 dpi (preferably a TIFF, PSD or JPEG).



  1. We cannot accept anything in these formats: low resolution JPEGs, Gifs, Bmp, PowerPoint files, WMF files. If you do send a JPEG image, please make sure it is 300 dpi, with min. 10 compression.
  2. We can accept a maximum of 5 pictures/article.
  3. Pictures will be printed in black and white, so please do not send coloured charts.




The Medinet Habu cult thus integrated Amun into the mortuary religion of Western Thebes and was viewed as a „prototype of the transformations undergone by the blessed dead”.[1]




Murnane 1980 = W. J. Murnane: United with Eternity: a Concise Guide to the Monuments at Medinet Habu. Chicago.

Otto 1973 = E. Otto: Amun. LdÄ 1 237-248.









[1] Murnane 1980 76-77; cf. Otto 1973 239, 244.