JES 3 (2010)



Sergei Ignatov. Exploring the Morphology of Classical Egypt (Based on p Hermitage 1115 – The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor), pp. 5-43. (download PDF)

Teodor Lekov. The Shadow of the Dead and its representation, pp. 43-61. (download PDF)

Richard Parkinson. Why do we read Ancient Egyptian Literature?, pp. 61-66.  (download PDF)

Emil Buzov. Ptahhotep Maxim 32 (P. Prisse 14,4 – 14,6), pp. 67-69. (download PDF)

Yordan Chobanov. The Notion of the Judge during the Middle Kingdom in Ancient Egypt, pp. 70-89. (download PDF)

Velichka Gotskova. Political and Economic Relations between Egypt and Hyksos at the End of the 17-th Dynasty, pp. 90-96. (download PDF)

Mark Geller. Some Notes on the History of the Alphabet (Honoris Causa Lecture held at New Bulgarian University), pp. 97-107. (download PDF)


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