JES 6 (2023)

Sergei Ignatov. The Enchanted Island in Middle Egyptian Literature, 7-26. (download)

Teodor Lekov. The Concept of the Revivification of the Dead Body by the Sun Rays, 27-39. (download)

Emil Buzov. The Idea of Wealth According to Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Texts, 40-51. (download)

Desislava Nikolova. The King and the Sun God in the Pyramid Texts, 52-63. (download)

Svetla Ilieva. The Textile Ritual of Coffin Texts Spell 728, 64-76. (download)

Mila Guerassimova. Some Observations Concerning three problematic Passages from Petersburg 1116 B, recto, 77-88. (download)